What to look for in your mobile home inspection team

Usually the anticipation around buying a manufactured or mobile home is such that it makes you overlook something very important: its inspection. The mobile home you are about to buy might appear as the best one out there but what should remain your primary concern during the process are the factors you cannot see immediately; such as plumbing, electrical works, wiring and fixtures. It is only when you move in that you start to encounter these very practical problems.

Therefore, it is imperative that you hire a credible manufactured home inspector to come over and conduct a detailed inspection before you close the deal. You can judge how professional and credible the inspector is by looking for the following central factors;

Association with a Relevant Company

The most reliable home inspectors almost always belong to any of the good inspection companies/organizations found in your area. If an inspector works independently even in the presence of such organizations, chances are you are in for some risk and uncertainty.

As a general rule, it is safe to look for an association with a company so that you have a platform to report to in case anything goes wrong.


This is, without a speck of doubt, the most important aspect. Experience is something you cannot hide neither can it be shown untruthfully. Make sure that the home inspector you intend to hire has some substantial experience with him so that he better reports not just the apparent problem but the prospective ones as well that could show in the near future.

Coverage of Inspection

Before you go gaga over unexpectedly reasonable rates the inspector is offering, do make sure to ask him about the coverage of the inspection in detail. Any of the crucial aspects must not be left out of the inspection such as detailed plumbing and electrical inspection among others. It is not just the apparent problems the inspector must cover but he should ideally dig in deeper and try to look for hidden ones as well.

Time Factor

Don’t go for someone who promises a detailed inspection in an unusually short time. Usually, a detailed inspection takes no less than 2 to 3 hours. Apparently, you might be impressed with someone who claims a quick and thorough inspection, but chances are high that he will overlook quite a few things.



Posted in: mobile home inspection

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